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Software Ideas

Welcome to the Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products Software Ideas Portal! 

We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


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BC Calc File Conversion Utility needs to occur in background

Both the Online BC Calc and BC Connect -BC Calc should have the ability to open old .bcc version files.
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 2

BC Calc within Online BC Connect should match the BC Calc online

BC Calc Online features should be the same in the BC Calc Online stand-alone program as they are in the Online version of BC Calc inside BC Connect. The features of Managing Projects, Share, Email and Upload only exist in the stand-alone online BC...
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

Copy member fct in editor mode

I think a cool feature to add would be the copying members function: when loads, bearings,... are moved and the ctrl key is held the mode switches from moving to coping the existing member, like it is common in Windows or CAD software. Optional; I...
over 3 years ago in BC Calc 1

Hide/Unhide shortcut

Would be extremely useful and efficient if we could assign a shortcut to hide selected object or type. You can assign a shortcut to "unhide", but not hide. This would be useful with imported PDF's. If the above can't be done, then at least having ...
over 3 years ago in BC Framer 2

When attaching BCE or BCF file to BCC, limit lists to Active Jobs and/or Open Design Tickets

In the attached screenshot, I was connecting the BCE file to a design ticket, the drop-down menus include projects that have the sales status that is "Out for Bid" and is inactive in BCC. It would be helpful that if the drop downs don't include in...
over 6 years ago in BC Connect / Project Dashboard 0 Already Exists

"Split, Copy, Shift" (or Trim, Copy, Shift)

An advanced feature of this would be "Split, Copy, Shift" (or Trim, Copy, Shift). This would be useful when cutting a multi-span joist and offsetting it, such as at a obstruction. It would save clicks of copy, shift paste, and trim (or split at lo...
over 6 years ago in BC Framer 0

Add Email file link in the Calc UI

Add an icon to the toolbar so I can email a file to someone for review without having to go into the projects management screen to email it
almost 7 years ago in BC Calc 0

When using the "Save As" option on a manual material list the cursor jumps from the file name to the last create tally in a few seconds

The save as features is used so you can create multiple material list without having to exit all the way out. Is saves the last batch of materials and copies it so you can rename the file and adjust the tally as needed without having to retype eve...
almost 7 years ago in BC Connect / Material Lists 1 Issue Not Reproduceable

Being able to copy a sub-folder, rename it and all the documents in the folder would copy as well into the newly named folder.

Say you have a folder named Level 2 - within the folder there are 20 manual material list. The projects Level 3 happens to be a identical to level 2. Instead of having to make all new material list or copy them individually the entire folder could...
almost 7 years ago in BC Connect / Material Lists / Other 1 Tracked

Inventory manager for hangers

Add a materials manager for hangers so that I can choose which models to show in the hanger dialog results.
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 0