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Software Ideas

Welcome to the Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products Software Ideas Portal! 

We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


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Showing 235 of 235

Ability to select certain pages to import in plan tab

Would be useful to implement a feature that would allow us to choose which pages we want to import into plan tab. Currently when you add pages it imports all sheets from selected PDF but I would like the ability to just be able to choose and impor...
over 4 years ago in BC Estimator 0

Break container edge at flush segments

Would be useful if container edge materials automatically break at flush segment members instead of showing both members in the same space. For example if I have a flush beam along an exterior wall, my container edge rim won't break at that beam. ...
over 4 years ago in BC Estimator 0


Make a header easier by adding a header icon, the same way a floor beam is used.
over 4 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

Add Length to Analysis Summary

When you are running a bunch of beams it would be helpful to have a way to locate them better. Adding the length in the summary will allow you to go get a reaction from the 20' beam without having to go into a bunch of beams to see which was the 2...
almost 5 years ago in BC Calc 0

Reduce the font size for the member name and description (In Edit member - top right)

We like the new project explorer and the member name at the top right in the edit member screen. However the font size is so large that it truncates the name and description more than necessary. Can you reduce the size to allow more of the text to...
almost 5 years ago in BC Calc 0 Planned

Add the partition load option back into the area loadings

You had it before and it is very useful. If the user did not need a partition load you just set it to 0
almost 5 years ago in BC Calc 1 Will not implement

BC Calc in Connect needs ability to choose Builder when creating a new analysis and project

Currently the dialog box for a new BC Calc project in BC Connect doesn't show a list of builders. The project must be created first and saved. Then the builder information can be added to the project. Then you have to reload the Calc file for the ...
almost 5 years ago in BC Calc 0 Planned

capability to be able to change the order of folders/Elevations

saves time in the long run instead of you reordering pdf files
about 5 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

Sort on the Attachments tab hiding the trash can icon?

Use case scenario: I have a job with many attachments and need to delete some unneeded files. I sort by type and I no longer have the ability to delete. Present in Chrome, Edge, Firefox and IE.
about 5 years ago in BC Connect / Other 1 Tracked

Use Best Analysis - Selecting a product in the product list should populate the member above. Double-click should analyze selected member.

Currently if you want to analyze one of the members in the list you have to double-click the member. Then use the mouse to click the Analyze Member button. It would be faster if I could just double-click the product in the list and design that mem...
about 5 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists