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Software Ideas

Welcome to the Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products Software Ideas Portal! 

We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


All ideas

Showing 236 of 236

Allow users to dissaccociate and Simplify input of a Single Joist

Simplify the input of joists. Allow the user to input a single joist, similar to how a user is able to input beams, but to remain in appearance and labeling as a joist. Also, for it not to be associated to a container.
almost 7 years ago in BC Framer 0 Planned

Ability to add trapezoidal area load

The ability to add trapezoidal area loads would be useful when sizing joists for snow drift loads. This will help compare options with different joist spacings.
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 1


I cant find the undo button, ctrl z doesn't work.
over 3 years ago in BC Calc 2

Multiple Saved Dashboard Views, Excel Download of Dashboard View, Dashboard Visibility on Large Screens

Having the option to save the Dashboard with multiple column and filter settings would allow users to quickly view projects as required. For instance, saving a dashboard of projects where I am the Sales Contact or Designer vs all Preliminary proje...
almost 7 years ago in BC Connect / Project Dashboard 1 Already Exists

Multiple Item Filtering

It would be helpful to be able to filter out stuff you do not want to see. If we do not want to see designs that are Complete and/or Waiting on Information you cannot filter both of these not to show. Currently, we only have a filter for a single ...
almost 7 years ago in BC Connect / Design / Project Dashboard 1 Already Exists

Add sizing for steel I-beams

Size steel I-beams from the BC Calc interface.
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 1

Simplify Input of Accessory Materials

Simplify the input of accessories. Allow the user to input single accessories (blocking and rim), similar to how a user is able to input beams. Also, for it not to be associated to a container.
almost 7 years ago in BC Framer 3

Hover Over shows Preset List and ability to manually Add/Edit Presets

Right clicking on the digitizer tools to show the list of presets could be simplified into a hover over - drop down list. (the computer can do this faster than the user) Within the Profile\Presets menu: Having the ability to change and manually ad...
almost 7 years ago in BC Estimator 0

"Draw more sections like this" added to the right click menu in the Take-Off Items list

In complex projects, the list of products used in the file often exceeds the view of the right click menu list and the pages are too large to quickly find a specific item in the digitizer. Having the option to right click on the product name that ...
almost 7 years ago in BC Estimator 0 Will not implement

Drag & Drop or Group similar Labels with leaders

Different from the joist group label and hanger group label in a consecutive row. In chase openings, there are multiple hangers, and even joist/beam products that are identical with labels that cover the entire opening. At a minimum having the opt...
almost 7 years ago in BC Estimator 0