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Software Ideas

Welcome to the Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products Software Ideas Portal! 

We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


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Showing 236 of 236

Have Sales Contact tied to a Builder

Have the Sales Contact as a field in the Builder Information. This would eliminate the need to manually update the Sales Contact field for each job. If the Sales Contact Changes, the user would update the Builder info and that would effect only ne...
over 5 years ago in BC Connect / Other / Projects 1

BC Calc and Design Information

There should be a way to track stand alone BC Calc designs within BCConnect. Currently, there is no Design Information captured when a calc is saved. The only way to see who worked on the job is to look at the Attachments page. At a minimum, the d...
over 5 years ago in BC Connect / Other 0

Job Analysis Summary - Select joists instead of multi-select

When trying to switch members on the Job Analysis Summary screen, the program automatically multi-selects multiple members. This is not typical Windows or computer functionality and is frustrating.
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists

Update BC Calc to comply with current building codes, (IBC 2018).

The software's value is significantly limited if it is referenced to a building code that it is outdated by four code cycles.
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists

Perhaps remove or change the 'getting started' message once a user has been registered for a period of time.

A user expressed that the message seemed unnecessary after being a subscribed user for some time. Perhaps the option to (un)check 'show this at startup'?
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 0 Planned

Choose a default lateral connection type for each wall member type

I would like to pick default lateral connection types for each wall component so that I can default common studs to nailed connections, king studs to angle clips and headers to angle clips.
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

Allow fractions for hole size input (i.e. 4-3/8" or 4 3/8")

Hole size input currently allows integers and decimals but not fractions. When inputting a fraction, the program rounds the number and users might think it accepted the fraction input unless they go back to check. Fractions can be used for the loc...
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

Make a settings default option for the Input Mode: Out to Out vs. Clear Span

Many customers use the "clear span" option for the input mode in spans. It would be great to have the option to make this the default for users. An option in the settings of the members would be great.
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

Printing material list and itemized quote page

why cant you print the Itemized quote page and also why cant you print a complete material list from the XML file. To view it you get a total footage of every product. But it wont print that
about 6 years ago in BC Connect / Material Lists / Other 0

Designer Metrics Report

As a design manager I would like to be able to show a report by the designer. One that would show the sq ft and the total dollars each designer has completed. and sort that report by year and months
about 6 years ago in BC Connect / Reports 0 Tracked