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Software Ideas

Welcome to the Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products Software Ideas Portal! 

We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


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Showing 58

The Open From BC Connect in Framer needs a fuzzy search in addition to the filter

The Open From BC Connect in Framer needs a fuzzy search in addition to the filter. Currently the Builder and project fields are filtering but not searching. So if you start a filter with a word that isn't at the beginning the of the string it...
over 6 years ago in BC Framer 4 Shipped

Add ability to bulk rename packs from the Lists tab.

It would be very helpful to be able to rename packs in the Lists tab with a function similar to the Bulk Rename in the Pages window. When there are a lot of packs, it takes a lot of going back and forth between mouse clicks and the keyboard to ren...
over 6 years ago in BC Estimator 0 Shipped

Reconfigure the Tab order so that while entering multiple lengths we can tab to the next span.

This would allow the process of multiple input to be quicker, and would mirror the process from the desktop version.
almost 7 years ago in BC Calc 3 Shipped

Show Number of Plies in "Search and View" Connectors Tab

In the "Search and View" Connectors tab, it would be very helpful if it displayed the number of plies for the supported and supporting members. Number of plies affects hanger selection. Currently, I can get the information in the Consolidate Conne...
almost 7 years ago in BC Framer 1 Shipped

Save files directly to the user's local machine

Give the user the option to save files directly to the local machine instead of their online storage account.
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 0 Shipped

Change wall depth and member selections in a single operation

Create a feature to allow the user to change the common stud depth and have all king, cripple and jack studs update to a matching depth of its existing product width, plies, series and grade.
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 0 Shipped

Layout note copy

submitted by Lee Cure: I would like user to have the ability to create a note that can be applied to multiple layout pages. The Framing Layout Annotation Note does not allow a user to easily copy and paste a note to multiple layout pages. Notes cr...
almost 4 years ago in BC Estimator 1 Shipped

Notify of Exceeded Stocking Lengths

Use Stocking Lengths or product lengths in Formulas tab BCE to check (either by Quick Check, or another method) to limit users from having a product in the material list longer than a maximum stock length. When I was in the retail segment, I had...
about 4 years ago in BC Estimator 1 Shipped

Convert plan image file size

BCE converts PDF to PNG files with an alpha (transparent) channel and in full color. When the file is portable (i.e. sending it back and forth to Platinum Global and/or another BMD), this is a bunch of extra unnecessary bulk, when most users requi...
about 4 years ago in BC Estimator 1 Shipped

Square Foot in a Report

In BC Estimator, we would like to be able to print a report for the sum of the area of "Floor Contain Sections" by either pack or by imported pages. We would like to do this without adding an Area product to the containers.
over 4 years ago in BC Estimator 0 Shipped