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Software Ideas

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We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


BC Calc

Showing 80 of 235

Add Email file link in the Calc UI

Add an icon to the toolbar so I can email a file to someone for review without having to go into the projects management screen to email it
almost 7 years ago in BC Calc 0

Inventory manager for hangers

Add a materials manager for hangers so that I can choose which models to show in the hanger dialog results.
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 0

Modify BC Calc to work on my phone

Adjust the user interface so that I can run the application on my phone (5"+ screen).
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 1

Limit BC Calc inventory in BC Connect to the location's inventory

BC Calc shows the inventory of the location's parent organization to include all products that the location has access to purchase. Provide the option for users to toggle the inventory to only display what is in their local inventory settings.
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 0

Notification banner requires a double click to view the full text. It should be a single click.

Hovering the mouse over the notification text changes the cursor from an arrow to the hand. This should always indicate to a user that a single click will open the item, but it doesn't work here as expected. It requires a double click.
over 3 years ago in BC Calc 0 Already exists

Create load development tools for snow drift loads

As a BC Calc user I want tools to help develop snow drift loads per ASCE7
over 7 years ago in BC Calc 0

Add walls to members that can be sent from BC Framer to BC Calc.

Wall design is not enabled in BC Framer, but is in BC Calc. Framer already has tools to input openings quickly, so it would be helpful to take these walls and send them to Calc for tall wall design.
almost 4 years ago in BC Calc 1 Will not implement

Enable saving custom notes in BC Calc on the member "Notes" tab.

The default notes are helpful, but we should be able to create new notes and save them for future use. Legacy BC Calc 4.x had a folder in ProgramData with text files. See <<1-Notes-Text file path.png>> These notes appeared in the appli...
almost 4 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

Multi select members in Analysis Summary and right-click to change product for all.

Multiple members sent from Framer to Calc are not showing product. It is time consuming to select a product for each member one at a time.
almost 4 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned


Make a header easier by adding a header icon, the same way a floor beam is used.
over 4 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned