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We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


BC Calc

Showing 80 of 234

Add an option to link a hanger

Allow for a hanger to be linked so that you can have the load applied to the supporting member while also be able to select the appropriate hanger if loads change. Currently you can either have a hanger or a link, not both.
over 2 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists

allow link and hanger

Linking is an amazing useful tool when you are tracking downloads, but it loses it effectivity when you try to use a hanger on a link beam. It would be amazing if you could have a member link to another, and they could be connected through a hanger!
over 2 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists

Wind load uplift

Negative forces for Wind uplift is currently not a function allowed
almost 3 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists

ability to add a double opening in a wall and use a single header

In Calc when designing a wall the ability to add a double opening and use a single header
over 5 years ago in BC Calc 1

Export the BC Calc Analysis Summary to a JPG or XLSK material list

We use the analysis summary for a material list that we add to our Autocad drawings. Right now we cannot modify the columns shown or the order. Old BC Calc 4.6 allowed us to do that. I'm open to another method for getting the material list to Auto...
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

Customer input Info shows as Builder on report should be CUSTOMER

On the Information tab for the job. The CUSTOMER input line shows as BUILDER on the report page. the input and output should be consistant. I recommend making it CUSTOMER on the report page this way if the yard sizing it for the builder it's the...
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

add capability of sister ie 2x12 with lvl products together for joist repair

No description provided
almost 3 years ago in BC Calc 1 Will not implement

BC Calc File Conversion Utility needs to occur in background

Both the Online BC Calc and BC Connect -BC Calc should have the ability to open old .bcc version files.
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 2

BC Calc within Online BC Connect should match the BC Calc online

BC Calc Online features should be the same in the BC Calc Online stand-alone program as they are in the Online version of BC Calc inside BC Connect. The features of Managing Projects, Share, Email and Upload only exist in the stand-alone online BC...
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

Copy member fct in editor mode

I think a cool feature to add would be the copying members function: when loads, bearings,... are moved and the ctrl key is held the mode switches from moving to coping the existing member, like it is common in Windows or CAD software. Optional; I...
about 3 years ago in BC Calc 1