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BC Calc

Showing 80 of 236

Allow offline file rename/save location in Google Crome

Currently the offline version in Google Crome does not allow you to rename or select where the file is save to. Where in Microsoft Edge you can select save as and rename and choose the file location to save to.
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists

Start in Description box when entering Load

when you add a load the cursor starts below the description box. It should start in the description box and you TAB to the next box down. Currently if you want to add a description you have to click the box or SHIFT TAB to move back up. Legacy BC ...
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

Add more custumization of tall walls.

Rakehead walls with a flat top section and the ability to add smaller windows over larger windows (I realize this would add point loads to the header below).
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

BC Calc File Conversion Utility needs to occur in background

Both the Online BC Calc and BC Connect -BC Calc should have the ability to open old .bcc version files.
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 2

BC Calc within Online BC Connect should match the BC Calc online

BC Calc Online features should be the same in the BC Calc Online stand-alone program as they are in the Online version of BC Calc inside BC Connect. The features of Managing Projects, Share, Email and Upload only exist in the stand-alone online BC...
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

Allow input of notch depth without limitation for repair requests.

The programmers can set whatever limits for passing that is desired, but should allow the user to enter whatever desired or actual conditions they have and then allow the system to proceed through analysis and show the failing results. That output...
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 0 Planned

I-joist slope cuts....

Why is there a i-joist slope cut detail in Framer (detail F14), but yet BC Calc will not allow you put the slope cut in an i-joist?
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Will not implement

header Configuration - Allow 2ply plates above or below header

In many cases we need 2ply plates above or below the header for wind load resistance. Currently the workaround we are using is to select a 2-5/8" member to get the design to pass, then change the drawing to show 2ply of 1-1/2" thick material.
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

allow a wall end or begin at a "supporting structure"

Many times a tall wall is tied into adjacent platform framing or some other solid supporting structure. In this case the wall would be framed with a single stud laminated to this solid supporting structure, which almost acts as a ledger. This w...
over 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

Reduce or rearrange first page of design report so a connection detail doesn't add a second page.

Submitted on behalf of a longtime Calc 4.6 user who remembers being able to print multiply designs with connection details on one page.
almost 7 years ago in BC Calc 3