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Software Ideas

Welcome to the Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products Software Ideas Portal! 

We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


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Showing 35

Hotkey for visibility of all products

submitted by Lee Cure for Atlanta group (JWW). Hotkey to turn on and off visibility of all products. This is to allow turning off drawn items, quickly to see what is under them in the plan page.
9 months ago in BC Estimator 2 Planned

Ability to delete all child take off items quickly.

submitted by Lee Cure for Atlanta group Ability to delete all child take off items quickly. Or, at least, be able to multi-select child items in the Takeoff Items window. We copy all the items to another pack to represent duplicate levels. In the ...
9 months ago in BC Estimator 2 Planned

Timer - Total Editing file work time

submitted by Lee Cure & Atlanta group Include a timer for Total Editing Time and a way to reset it. Below is Word’s properties showing Total Editing Time. All Boise Cascade designers/estimators need this for tracking. In the commercial departm...
9 months ago in BC Estimator 2 Planned

One Click Mirror Layouts

Would like to be able to mirror a layout without having to go into the job, mirror the background, reimport it in and copy/paste the framing and mirror that. We would use this feature alot!
over 1 year ago in BC Estimator 1 Planned

Enable saving custom notes in BC Calc on the member "Notes" tab.

The default notes are helpful, but we should be able to create new notes and save them for future use. Legacy BC Calc 4.x had a folder in ProgramData with text files. See <<1-Notes-Text file path.png>> These notes appeared in the appli...
almost 4 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

Multi select members in Analysis Summary and right-click to change product for all.

Multiple members sent from Framer to Calc are not showing product. It is time consuming to select a product for each member one at a time.
about 4 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned


Make a header easier by adding a header icon, the same way a floor beam is used.
over 4 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

Reduce the font size for the member name and description (In Edit member - top right)

We like the new project explorer and the member name at the top right in the edit member screen. However the font size is so large that it truncates the name and description more than necessary. Can you reduce the size to allow more of the text to...
almost 5 years ago in BC Calc 0 Planned

BC Calc in Connect needs ability to choose Builder when creating a new analysis and project

Currently the dialog box for a new BC Calc project in BC Connect doesn't show a list of builders. The project must be created first and saved. Then the builder information can be added to the project. Then you have to reload the Calc file for the ...
about 5 years ago in BC Calc 0 Planned

Automatic Job Share Feature

It would be helpful to have an automatic job share feature instead of having to share each job individually. In our office, we currently share every job between each member of the design team so that we each have access to all files but having to ...
about 5 years ago in BC Calc 2 Planned