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Software Ideas

Welcome to the Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products Software Ideas Portal! 

We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


BC Framer

Showing 8

Short Naming Material

As a User, I would like to have the ability to create a material short name in order to consolidate joist labels across jobs for larger multi-family projects or builders with similar floor plans across the nation. User would have the ability to ch...
about 7 years ago in BC Framer 1 Already exists

Different color line loads

As you are entering a loads for a stick-built roof system, it can often be confusing to keep up with the line loads for different ceiling areas and the roof loading. I think it would be beneficial to have different color line loads to designate ce...
about 4 years ago in BC Framer 1 Already exists

BC Framer Settings Saved in BC Connect

Provide an ability to back up BC Framer's user setting to BCConnect and allow the user to recall the settings either in a computer failure or on a second computer (i.e. home computer).
over 6 years ago in BC Framer 1 Already exists

Ideas access through the Program

As a User, I would like to access the Ideas portal directly through the program.
about 7 years ago in BC Framer 0 Already exists

BCConnect: Open from BCConnect, Inactive Filter

As a User, while opening a file from BCConnect, I would like the ability to filter out "inactive" projects
about 7 years ago in BC Framer 1 Already exists

Consolidate consider list to manage only one list.

As a User, I would like to consolidate design consider list and BCFloorValue consider list into one Consider list so that user only needs to manage one list.
about 7 years ago in BC Framer 1 Already exists

BCFloorValue: Heat map Legend on the Layout Sheets

As a user, I would like to place a BCFloorValue heat map key on my layout plans to indicate what the colors are showing.
about 7 years ago in BC Framer 1 Already exists

BCFloorValue: Structural Consider List will be Floor Performance Material List.

As a User, I want to consolidate the floor performance material list and the structural consider list into one, and use only the structural consider list to select joists for BCFloorValue.
about 7 years ago in BC Framer 1 Already exists