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Ability to reorganize hanger labels & sort order

Currently hangers are assigned a label; H1...H23, etc, in the order they are input. However if the sort order could be adjusted manually (without renaming every single hanger in the order you want), such as drag/drop a particular hanger further up the takeoff list to reassign it's number. This scenario is particular to joist hangers. If you have to revise a hanger late in the drawing, the label may become an H43 for example, but this may be the most common hanger used. So it has a large label that often covers up other labels, and those higher numbers such as H43 are more ideal to locate some obscure hanger that only occurs one or two times.

    Apr 10, 2024

    This is in dev design to see what might be possible with it.

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      Jun 6, 2023

      Hello Brent, your description of the goal is pretty straight forward but I'm thinking it might be more involved from a software developer viewpoint. I'm going to send you an email to see if we can set up a conf call with dev.