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Workspace BC Estimator
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 24, 2019

Ability to Create a Note in Notes Tab WITHOUT the "** This is FOR YOUR INFORMATION, etc..."

Notes in the Notes tab is the best way to create a note and locate it in a specific location on a framing layout page (i.e. locating a note on a framing layout page independent of the digitizer capture).  For example, if a user wants a note to appear in the upper left corner of every framing layout page.  User should have the ability to create notes via the Notes tab without the "** This is FOR YOUR INFORMATION", "** The BUILDING DESIGN is in question", etc... The text is typically unnecessary for a note.  Requiring that one of those options appears in a note limits the ability to create relevant notes.  Removing the requirement of choosing one of those options would make it much easier for a user to create framing layout pages with relevant, professional notes.

    Apr 24, 2024

    This idea was promoted to dev & delivered in 2021

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  • Guest
    Aug 11, 2020

    Investigate level of need with Lee. PrebuiltML did this on purpose - feeling that a note should fall into one of the categories.

  • Guest
    Jul 29, 2019

    That sounds like a good idea Lee. I am getting this in front of PreBuilt ML for feedback & consideration.