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We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


BC Calc

Showing 80 of 236

ability to add a double opening in a wall and use a single header

In Calc when designing a wall the ability to add a double opening and use a single header
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

Allow fractions for hole size input (i.e. 4-3/8" or 4 3/8")

Hole size input currently allows integers and decimals but not fractions. When inputting a fraction, the program rounds the number and users might think it accepted the fraction input unless they go back to check. Fractions can be used for the loc...
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

Make a settings default option for the Input Mode: Out to Out vs. Clear Span

Many customers use the "clear span" option for the input mode in spans. It would be great to have the option to make this the default for users. An option in the settings of the members would be great.
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

Add project info while in joist/beam design

When you are designing an individual joist/beam, the Project Information button is not available. You have to go back to the Analysis Summary to add your project information. It seems that you should be able to add project information at any time....
about 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists

Export the BC Calc Analysis Summary to a JPG or XLSK material list

We use the analysis summary for a material list that we add to our Autocad drawings. Right now we cannot modify the columns shown or the order. Old BC Calc 4.6 allowed us to do that. I'm open to another method for getting the material list to Auto...
about 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

Customer input Info shows as Builder on report should be CUSTOMER

On the Information tab for the job. The CUSTOMER input line shows as BUILDER on the report page. the input and output should be consistant. I recommend making it CUSTOMER on the report page this way if the yard sizing it for the builder it's the...
about 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

Save vs Save As for offline mode files

Currently each save event in offline mode brings up the saveas dialog where I have to select the folder path and the filename. That's expected for the first time I save a file, but once I've made those choices, I want to click the save button and ...
about 6 years ago in BC Calc 0 Already exists

Add Advantech as and option for subfloor material

Huber works closely with BMDs to provide sub-floors and exterior sheathing. Adding Advantech sub-floor could allow us to show the benefits of using their sub-floor vs typical OSB sub-floor.
about 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

Allow user to choose if a wall opening spans vertically (sill-to-header) or horizontally (king stud-to-king stud).

Doors, especially overhead doors, span side to side and deliver little or no lateral load to headers. Allowing the user to specify if the opening is a door (horizontal span) or a window (vertical span) will stop doorway headers from being over-siz...
about 6 years ago in BC Calc 1

New user overlay currently displays a message about getting help when a user signs in each time, but it requires the user to go find and download a quick start guide. Other websites have adopted an overlay concept that highlights the key components ...
about 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned