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We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


BC Calc

Showing 80 of 236

Saving BC Calc offline analysis (project) should update the screen header with the file name. (New File)

It would help keep track of the file I'm working on to see the header update with the bccx file name. The file name doesn't show in the header until it is re-opened. This becomes more confusing if I open one file called Smith.bccx and save it as J...
over 5 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists

Changes to a default member prefix should take affect immediately.

I use the member prefix to identify first floor or second floor instead of using folders. After making a change to the member prefix the BC Calc application has to be restarted before the prefix is updated. Clicking Analysis Settings "Save" should...
over 5 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

When applying a point load above a beam that sits on a post I would like to be able to input the square inch area above. For instance if the load above is a 3.5"x14" versa lam column.

Inputting surface area for point loads above.
over 5 years ago in BC Calc 1 Will not implement

Load Link

Can the loads at the support points be linked to design other members?
over 5 years ago in BC Calc 0 Already exists

Not Enter the Bearing with Clear Span

When using Clear Span length, it would be nice not to have to enter a bearing size. While this seems like it would NOT be a real-world scenario, it is a time saver that I have used in other single member sizing programs. In commercial projects, we...
over 5 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists

Dynamic Load to Move with End of Member

I want the ability to assign loads other than the Standard Load to be associated to the end of the member, so that when I change the length of the member in BCCalc, that the Load will adjust with the length change. For example, if I have a 16' I-J...
over 5 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned

Job Analysis Summary - Select joists instead of multi-select

When trying to switch members on the Job Analysis Summary screen, the program automatically multi-selects multiple members. This is not typical Windows or computer functionality and is frustrating.
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists

Update BC Calc to comply with current building codes, (IBC 2018).

The software's value is significantly limited if it is referenced to a building code that it is outdated by four code cycles.
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Already exists

Perhaps remove or change the 'getting started' message once a user has been registered for a period of time.

A user expressed that the message seemed unnecessary after being a subscribed user for some time. Perhaps the option to (un)check 'show this at startup'?
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 0 Planned

Choose a default lateral connection type for each wall member type

I would like to pick default lateral connection types for each wall component so that I can default common studs to nailed connections, king studs to angle clips and headers to angle clips.
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Planned