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We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


BC FastPlan

Showing 16 of 236

Linking Multiple Material Lists to one Project

If a User wants to create another file into an existing project, the additional .isl file will save to BCConnect, but not the other material list. (Also, the same thing happens with the design service ticket noted above.)
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0 Planned

Design Service Ticket and Associated Material Lists

When associating a project with a Design Service ticket, it appears in BCFastPlan that a Design Ticket is associated with the file, but in BCConnect, no material list is showing
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0 Planned

Error Creating Project

When creating a new project through the BCConnect window, both the radial button of AM & PM are selected. An error will show up if the user doesn’t unselect a radial button.
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0 Planned

Cantilever Design Parameter Overide

As a User, I would like to have the ability to override the cantilever design length.
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0

Send to BCCALC intergration

As a User, I would like to send single member designs to BCCalc in BCFastPlan.
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0

BCFloorValue integration into Software

As a User, I would like to run BCFloorValue in BCFastPlan
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0 Planned