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Software Ideas

Welcome to the Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products Software Ideas Portal! 

We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


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Showing 58

Put uplift back in the analysis dialogue box

Uplift needs to be clearly visible with your end reactions on the analysis page instead of making us open another tab and go to the member report......
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Shipped

Miter walls

The ability to select two walls and miter them into a corner instead of having to trim each wall.
over 3 years ago in BC Framer 5 Shipped

Include Skew Values as An Attribute For Hangers

Having skew values as attributes will make entering skewed hangers more efficient. There is currently "SKR" and "SKL" available, but no values. To enter a specific value, a user has to create a custom product and create an attribute for each skew....
about 7 years ago in BC Estimator 0 Shipped

Add O.C. spacing to Analysis Summary

It would be very useful to add a column listing O.C. spacing for joist members in the Analysis Summary.
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 1 Shipped

User defined loads

Add the ability for users to create their own collection of loads where they can specify the various load components and give it a name, then pick which member types they want it to appear in. The add/edit load dialog then has a new dropdown where...
over 5 years ago in BC Calc 3 Shipped

The ability to freeze/lock labels with Automatic Positioning

Automatic label positioning has it's benefit, but often (especially with commercial projects), the repositioning gets pretty wonky. If you could freeze/lock an individual label so when you recapture the layout a particular locked label doesn't move.
almost 2 years ago in BC Estimator 0 Shipped

Set Blocking Alignment Point with Multiple Container Edges at the same time

For perpendicular joist blocking along exterior walls we most often add blocking to the container edge itself. When the rim is broken (over openings, deck beam supports, etc), you cannot currently select multiple container edges and align all of t...
over 2 years ago in BC Estimator 0 Shipped

Sticky Right Click Menu - Does not go away until user clicks out of menu

Within the right click menu there are certain changes that make the right click menu go away. This has been mentioned before as the program needed to refresh too many properties that would change the right click menu context. Electrons move faste...
about 7 years ago in BC Estimator 0 Shipped

Visibility switch for "Cut-Logic" column on Material List

The ability to show or hide the "Cut Logic" column on the layout material list would help provide a cleaner look to the placement plans that insures a more uniform appearance between Boise Cascade EWP presentation documents. This will also help in...
about 7 years ago in BC Estimator 0 Shipped

Add Page Overlays in Full Color

Currently the only option to add a page overlay is to have a tinted color. We often pull through firewall separation plan pages from architectural plans, which are typically in full color and easy to identify. If we could add an overlay page in th...
over 2 years ago in BC Estimator 0 Shipped