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We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


BC FastPlan

Showing 16 of 236

Import BCCONNECT Feature Clarified

If a user would like to "Import BCConnect" and they already have a PDF file uploaded in BCConnect, this button will work properly. If no PDF is uploaded, the window will appear blank and new users would not know what this feature was for. SOLUTIO...
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0 Planned

Open multiple Results simultaneously

As a User, I would like to open and compare multiple design reports simultaneously to compare them without having to save the file. Current Behavior: Need to close the current design report before opening another one.
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0 Planned

Failed Bearings and Suggestions

As a User, when a beam bearing failed, I would like the results to tell me which bearing it was, and make a suggestion on the required bearing length to try.
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 1

Multi-Ply Beam Fastening

As a User, I would like to choose whether to use Bolts, Screw or Nails as a fastener. I would like like the ability to set a default fastener.
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 2 Already exists

Addition of BC FloorValue

The addition of BC FloorValue to BC FastPlan would be of benefit so that our builders could review differential deflection.
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 1 Planned

Job Tab Showing incorrect Name while logged into BCConnect

As a User, I want the job file name to show on the top "job tab," and not the first job file name in BCConnect as it is currently showing. This current behavior is confusing.
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0

Unknown Builder missing

As a User, I would like to have a builder listed as “Unknown” for one-off projects or whatever I currently use the "Unknow" builder for now.
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0 Planned

CSD Portal Acess should go to Boise CSD Portal

As a user, I would like the button for CSD Portal to access the Boise portal or give the user the options to select which download page they want to visit.
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0 Planned

Hover Over Analysis Text Clean UP

The hover over Text isn't clear. As a User, I'd like to see this text to be formatted in a more user friendly fashion
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0

Level Name in Header

When a User views and prints the Boise Report, the levels aren’t displayed on the output file. If you have B1 on 3 different levels, in a calc package it is impossible to figure out which B1 you are looking at without a deeper investigation to fig...
about 7 years ago in BC FastPlan 0 Planned