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Software Ideas

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We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


BC Connect

Showing 42

Alphabetic sort for location Current Users list

Problem Context When looking to see if a particular user has access to a location, it is hard to review the list as it does not appear to be in any specific order. Idea Sort the Current Users list, alphabetically, by the user's first name.
19 days ago in BC Connect / Admin 0 Tracked

Edit Design Model Material List

Problem Context There currently isn't a process to edit the material list assigned to a Tract project design model. The design model must be deleted and a new one created for any material list changes. Idea Allow the material list to be edited in ...
4 months ago in BC Connect 0 Tracked

Preview Design Model Material list

Problem Context I am not able to see the material list attached to a design model until i create a project with it. It would be nice to have the ability to see the material list to ensure it is the correct one prior to project creation. Idea Provi...
4 months ago in BC Connect 0 Tracked

Operations Print Configuration

Problem Context There are times that i have different information as part of the project or material list that i would like to have included in the print that is applied to the cut items. There is not a way to configure this change. Idea Provide a...
4 months ago in BC Connect / Operations - Optimization 0 Tracked

Operations Print Preview

Problem Context I don't always know what information will be printed on a board, the order it will be printed in, or if the board length will support the full length of the label. Idea Provide information in the current hover over text to identify...
4 months ago in BC Connect / Operations - Optimization 0 Tracked

Cutting Off-cut to different size

Problem Context We have a large off cut piece from a optimization, (ie 40' piece) and for easier handling would like to be able to have them cut into frequently used inventory lengths ( ie 2- 20' Idea
4 months ago in BC Connect / Operations / Operations - Optimization 0 Tracked

Prevent Accidental Dealer Name Change

Problem Context When working on a project, there is the potential to click the Edit Dealer button instead of the Create Dealer button. This can cause the existing Dealer to be renamed, and affect all projects currently assigned to the customer. Id...
10 months ago in BC Connect / Projects 0 Tracked

Cut replacements for damaged pieces

Problem Context When a member is damaged in the field, and i need to send a new piece to replace it, the current process to "Save As" or create a material list, set it to "Ready For Optimization" and then pull it into a batch. This is quite involv...
10 months ago in BC Connect / Projects 0 Tracked

Allow Tract Builder without mmdl files

Problem Context In some locations and at some times there is not a BC Framer design file, but there is to input and organize different Model and option material list files for saw utilization. Idea Would like to be able to use Tract Builder with m...
11 months ago in BC Connect / Material Lists 0 Tracked

Full Width Opti pages

Problem Context When working within the Optimizer module, i am unable to easily read or manipulate the smaller pieces in the optimization when viewing the read only screen or edit cut screen. Idea Expand the view to use the full width of the screen.
11 months ago in BC Connect 0 Tracked