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Software Ideas

Welcome to the Boise Cascade Engineered Wood Products Software Ideas Portal! 

We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


BC Calc

Showing 29

Put uplift back in the analysis dialogue box

Uplift needs to be clearly visible with your end reactions on the analysis page instead of making us open another tab and go to the member report......
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Shipped

Add O.C. spacing to Analysis Summary

It would be very useful to add a column listing O.C. spacing for joist members in the Analysis Summary.
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 1 Shipped

User defined loads

Add the ability for users to create their own collection of loads where they can specify the various load components and give it a name, then pick which member types they want it to appear in. The add/edit load dialog then has a new dropdown where...
over 5 years ago in BC Calc 3 Shipped

Reconfigure the Tab order so that while entering multiple lengths we can tab to the next span.

This would allow the process of multiple input to be quicker, and would mirror the process from the desktop version.
almost 7 years ago in BC Calc 3 Shipped

Save files directly to the user's local machine

Give the user the option to save files directly to the local machine instead of their online storage account.
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 0 Shipped

Change wall depth and member selections in a single operation

Create a feature to allow the user to change the common stud depth and have all king, cripple and jack studs update to a matching depth of its existing product width, plies, series and grade.
about 7 years ago in BC Calc 0 Shipped

Add a configurable view in Analysis Summary

It would be great to have OCS in it's own column for joists listed in the Analysis Summary. Currently there's Design(name), Description, Results, Product, Plies and Control. It would great if a user had control to add some select columns for addit...
about 5 years ago in BC Calc 1 Shipped

Hanging on a Steel Beam (nailer and welded)

BCCalc does not allow for the specification of the hanger, with the header being a steel beam, with a nailer or with a welded connection. All other workarounds (i.e. a wood header) is not accurate.
over 5 years ago in BC Calc 1 Shipped

Ability to merge multiple files into a PDF/print job

Add functionality similar to the multi-select printing that exists in Analysis Summary to allow the merging of analysis files to one PDF/print job, in the Manage Projects screen.
over 5 years ago in BC Calc 1 Shipped

Quit bouncing products around in the "Product" box

When a designer is selecting products and runs the analysis calc pushes the selected product in the "Product" box to the top of the list. It needs to stay in the list where it originated from, bouncing them around gets confusing and cumbersome..
almost 6 years ago in BC Calc 1 Shipped