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We welcome your EWP Software suggestions and ideas.


Operations - Optimization

Showing 4 of 236

Operations Print Configuration

Problem Context There are times that i have different information as part of the project or material list that i would like to have included in the print that is applied to the cut items. There is not a way to configure this change. Idea Provide a...
3 months ago in BC Connect / Operations - Optimization 0 Tracked

Operations Print Preview

Problem Context I don't always know what information will be printed on a board, the order it will be printed in, or if the board length will support the full length of the label. Idea Provide information in the current hover over text to identify...
3 months ago in BC Connect / Operations - Optimization 0 Tracked

Cutting Off-cut to different size

Problem Context We have a large off cut piece from a optimization, (ie 40' piece) and for easier handling would like to be able to have them cut into frequently used inventory lengths ( ie 2- 20' Idea
4 months ago in BC Connect / Operations / Operations - Optimization 0 Tracked

It would be helpful if the sub-folders made for a project carried over into the optimizer screen.

Example I have a project with a sub-folder named L2 and one named L3. Both folders consists of material list titled unit 1, unit2, and unit3. Once you go to optimizer to make batch files the sub-folders aren't listed and all you have is a list of ...
about 7 years ago in BC Connect / Material Lists / Operations - Optimization / Other 0 Tracked